users are never in 'active' state in console output

setUp(scn.inject(constantUsersPerSec(5) during (10 minutes))).protocols(httpConf)


My console output never shows ‘active’ user just ‘done’ and ‘waiting’ users.

I guess that is is a matter of my scenario taking way to short time to being caught as ‘active’ ? Or I am missing something here ?

I have a scenario where I put 5 users per second, every second for 10 minutes, and they use as much time it takes to ‘finish’ their transaction/scenario, but it is not enough to be captured as ‘active’.


hmm.paint (5.36 MB)

I guess that is is a matter of my scenario taking way to short time to
being caught as 'active' ?


Using a .forever scope and rampUpUserPerSecond I have only 'waiting' and
'active' (none is ever 'done').

Of course, they're never done as they loop forever.

In this case are the users just keeping the connection (closed model?)


because my Gatling report shows 'response time percentiles over time'
increasing and increasing until the ramp up is finished and then no
percentiles (see screenshot).

Can't open (MS format).