Graph showing some url Min=0

I have run 15 hours gatling on my scenarios. And notices that some of the request has “0ms” in the Min column. Is that possible?

Do you see those 0ms in the generated reports, or in the simulation.log file?
Duration measurement is a tricky thing… Even with System.nanoTime, one can have cores desynchronization (meaning start was measured one one core, end on another one). Things are worse on Windows than on X platforms.
Then, we have an accuracy config param (in gatling.conf) for rounding up times during report generation and lessen memory consumption. That you can tune.



One last possibility is that the request failed because the server immediately refused to connect.

Yeah, I am seeing a lot of KO request that has the same start and end time stamp:

This is one line that in the simulation log, seems like the 2 timestamp are the same:

REQUEST ViewDocumentExt Scence 1314 /docs/DOC-1031 1371491435702 1371491435702 1371491435930 1371491435995 KO status().is(200) didn’t match: expected 200 but found 403

Can you tell me what each column means?

BTW, there is another line in the similation log like:
SCENARIO ProfilePlaces Scence 1414 1371491433801 1371491435782

What are the columns means in this line?


Yeah, I am seeing a lot of KO request that has the same start and end time

This is one line that in the simulation log, seems like the 2 timestamp
are the same:

REQUEST ViewDocumentExt Scence 1314 /docs/DOC-1031
1371491435702 1371491435702 1371491435930 1371491435995 KO
status().is(200) didn't match: expected 200 but found 403

Can you tell me what each column means?

The timestamps are described here:

So in this case, have the 2 first timestamps equal looks OK to me (and
wouldn't cause a 0ms response time).

BTW, there is another line in the similation log like:
SCENARIO ProfilePlaces Scence 1414 1371491433801 1371491435782

What are the columns means in this line?

record type / Scenario name, user id, start, end



I am seeing this in the generated reports. I didn’t go to simulation log to do the math. (or you mean other way?) I use the different accuracy, seems having similar result.

Is there any suggestion on how to alleviate this?

Default accuracy is 10ms. Did you try 1 ms?
Did you get those 0ms only with KO requests, or also with OK ones?
What’s your OS?