i’m new to gatling, i’m not a scala dev. i want to write and test my simulations in my IDE and not copy paste to user-files/simulations and run gatling.sh on each change. i created a gradle project, imported scala-library:2.10.6 and io.gatling.highcharts:gatling-charts-highcharts:2.2.2, from manual i copied BasicSimulation.scala and placed it in /src/main/scala. everything compiles but i don’t know how to run it.
doc http://gatling.io/docs/1.5.6/developing_gatling/development_environment.html#getting-gatling-to-run-in-eclipse mentions Engine.scala but there is no such class. The class that looks like an entrypoint is io.gatling.app.Gatling.main. i tried passing the classname hoping it will be loaded from the classpath but no success. how can i run it from IDE?
Hello Piotr,
Check out this link http://gatling.io/docs/2.2.2/extensions/maven_archetype.html?highlight=maven
If you are not particular about Eclipse as the IDE, try Intellij, comes out of the box with scala stuff.
Hello Piotr,
You also maybe interested in Gradle Gatling plugin
понеділок, 31 жовтня 2016 р. 17:08:14 UTC+2 користувач Piotr Turski написав:
Hi Piotr,
I had the same problem and I’m 50% finished with my take on the problem - see https://github.com/sgoeschl/gatling-blueprint-project
Out-of-the-box IntelliJ integration for my co-developer using Maven
Within IntelliJ you can edit & run tests assuming that you have Scala plugin enabled (as HP calculator user and former Forth programmer I’m unable to count parenthesis)
Run the same tests with Maven from the command line
Please note that it contains some opinionated code 
Siegfried Goeschl